
Targeting SEO to Your Brand - SEO Techniques

Protecting and promoting your company’s brand is important, obviously; what’s less obvious is how to both protect and promote your brand using search engine optimization (SEO). People recognize your company through your brand, and if it isn’t treated properly it can destroy your sales. Companies are willing to spend thousands of dollars on office space a month, but they try to get away with spending less than a thousand on their website. Today, your website is the face of your company and it represents you, your brand and your perception. The content on your website will drive traffic to you, or potentially deflect it away from you, which is why SEO is a vital part of any successful web marketing campaign.Targeting your SEO correctly involves carefully implementing keywords that are associated with your brand. For example, if you sell dress socks line, it’s important to note all the terms that are associated with dress socks. Associated terms for “dress socks” include “men’s dress socks,” “wool dress socks,” “nylon dress socks,” and so forth. If you leave these terms out, or if you’re too inclusive with your terms, you could get traffic you don’t really want or not enough. Quality SEO is often an art, not a science.Part of getting the most out of your SEO is having realistic expectations. Whereas in the past, every CEO wanted to be on the cover of The New York Times, today they want to be on the first page of Google for a particular search term. Neither expectation is realistic after one press release is sent out, or after your website has been online for two months. These days, it can be difficult to get high rankings for keyword phrases, led lights even if Motorcycle Apparel they’re rarely used. If your site isn’t at least a few years old, your SEO efforts will be less likely to provide the results you want. That’s why it is important to have a long-term goal in mind when considering how to measure the effectiveness of your SEO. For example, at this moment there are hundreds, if not thousands of debt consolidation companies. The keyword phrase “debt consolidation” is most likely incredibly saturated, so expecting to have even a top 50 ranking three months after your site has gone live is just not realistic.A skilled Internet marketing and online reputation management company can move you forward much faster, but even then it is up to the mighty search engine gods. Using keywords for SEO properly, measuring your analytics accurately, using social networking tools and Google adwords will all move you in the right direction as quickly as possible. It will take time however for even the most sophisticated product and service launches to garner the kinds of results every business owner is looking for on Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask or other search engines.Overall, having a highly qualified Internet marketing agency that understands the history and future of SEO is going to be important to your success. Handling it on your own, or paying your nephew to do it on the side won’t yield the kind of results you’re most likely looking for.If you are looking for a sophisticated approach to strengthening your brand using SEO, contact the Gervais Group today at 770-529-2262.

